Designer PDF and moving Titles over


it would be nice if I could move over the titles to the designer PDF instead of having to auto-populate everything to get the title moved over, which creates more work to re-work the whole PDF



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  • Hi David,

    Just want to clarify here, do you mean the screen titles when you're building a PDF from scratch in the designer? You're right that doesn't happen automatically, but you can create a static text field to basically replicate that if you'd rather not go through the auto-designer. 

    Here's an example of the auto layout: 

    Here's what I did using static text to recreate the screen title (I made it a different shade of blue, just for fun): 

    You can go into the page elements, drag a text field into the designer, and give it a background to make it look like the other ones. Does that solve the issue, or have I missed the point entirely? 

  • thank you but I still think this should be an auto feature to save time but thank you for the work around

  • thank you but I still think this should be an auto feature to save time but thank you for the work around

  • Another reason for having the Screen Name available as a field or Section header, would be for Conditional Screens where we would only want the screen header or contents to show one the PDF based on the screen condition.

    I believe I can fake this feature by adding fields hidden to the mobile app to use has screen titles.


  • I add conditional static text fields to my app screens and hide them from the mobile user. Fields/Section headers only appears in the PDF if the condition is met.

    If you add a text field directly in the PDF designer, that field will always appear in the PDF whether it is needed or not.

    Sometimes, I use the auto populate options to get the pretty blue headers in the PDF, then delete the rest of the fields. Then I drag everything back in the order I want.     

    Would be nice if could drag and drop section headers to the PDF designer and still keep the conditional appearance.

    (Edited )
  • Thanks AIMS System Administrator That was exactly what i was after! Can't believe it didn't occur to me to do this in the first place. 

  • You're welcome!


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