Number Stepper feature

We charge some customers by the hour and in our previous form builder service they had a function called "Stepper" this feature allowed us to set "step size" which we would set to 0.25. 

What this did was allow the techs to step up from 0.25 for 15 minutes to 0.50 for 30 minutes etc. With Gocanvas we dont have that feature so they need to enter .25 which we had to add static text explaining that 025 = 15 minutes so they dont enter 15 minutes or 30, 45 minutes. which will not provide correct calculations. 




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    Hi Ricardo Montelongo

    Thank you for posting to the Community! I agree that it would be very helpful to have an incremental field that could increase by decimals and I will pass this along to our Product team for consideration to improve our current Increment field, which at this time only increases by 1 at a time.

    The easiest solution to this problem is to have a time field that captures the job start time and the another time field that captures the job end time. Calculating time is covered in this Help Center article. Once the user can see the total time at the site, they can round up to the closest quarter hour manually and enter that into it's own field. For example, if the calculation says that the job took 2:09, or 2 hours and 9 minutes, they can enter 2:15 for accurate billing purposes.

    Although, I was intrigued by how something similar could be achieved in GoCanvas and I have come up with a solution that although it requires a little setup, it does automate the calculation somewhat. This creative workaround has two setup options, depending on your preferences and what your users would be most likely to adopt easily. The article can be found here.

    I would love to know if any of these ideas helped or if they sparked any other ideas for a solution! GoCanvas is notorious for having many ways to do the same thing, but the best way is always dependent on what is best for the users who will be completing the forms.

    (Edited )

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