Add title/text to a photo from multiphoto field

I would like to be able to take/add in photos (multiple) and give them a title/text that will appear above or below each picture on the pdf output. Is this possible? Alternatively is there a work round you can suggest? We generally use the multi picture field, if it was single pictures only I would just use a text field for a title and a single picture.



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  • John Porthouse Thank you for your comment! I really appreciate the need to add comments or titles specific to a photo that is collected in a Multi-Photo field so I can pass along that request to our Product team.

    A work around for now is to use a Loop Screen/Table. You can add as many photos as you need with unlimited rows and provide a Title/Comment in the Key Field for each photo taken. It may take slightly longer but it would allow for more context to be given for each photo taken. Multi-Photo fields also work in a Loop Screen/Table, but are not compatible with the PDF Designer so it's good to take into consideration which is more important, the ability to add up to ten photos to one field or to see it on the Designer PDF output (Although, the Standard PDF is always an option for this limitation as well).


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