Reference Data Relationships



I am wondering if it is possible to have Reference Data relationships.

Let say I have the following reference data headers:

  • Ref1: Site, Building, LockerId, ItemId
  • Ref2 : LockerId, Length, Width, Key Type
  • Ref3 : ItemId, Name, Type, Quantity

I created a form where the user is aksed to select the Site, Building, LockerId and ItemId.

Next, I want to show the item and locker details.

Is that possible?



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  • Hello Nathan,


    Dependent Reference Data is what I use for filtering among all Ref1 ItemIds and selecting the correct one.

    But how can I use the LockerId or ItemId to filter Ref2 and Ref3?

  • Hi Florent,

    Great question. Based on what you have said here, it sounds like these reference files are separated. In order for ItemID to influence LockerID, the spreadsheet needs to have a column associated each LockerID to it's ItemID. Or vice versa for LockerID to ItemID. 

  • Hi Lauren,


    Yes, reference data are separated.Below the skeleton of the form I would like to create.

    The first dropdown fields are dependent as mentioned earlier. When selecting the "Item ID" field, I would like to show the item and locker details (read only fields automatically populated).

    Example of the data structure. I hope it clarifies the behavior.


    Site Building LockerId ItemId
    A A32 L-001 I-188
    A A32 L-001 I-189
    A G65 L-012 I-190
    A G65 L-012 I-191
    A G65 L-013 I-192
    B A40 L-103 I-193
    B A40 L-269 I-194
    B A40 L-269 I-195
    B A40 L-269 I-196
    B H10 L-075 I-197
    C Z10 L-045 I-198
    C Z10 L-045 I-199
    C F00 L-752 I-200
    C F00 L753 I-201



    LockerId Length Width Key Type
    L-001 50 30 Simple
    L-012 50 30 Simple
    L-013 50 30 Simple
    L-269 250 150 Double
    L-075 50 30 Simple
    L-045 50 30 Simple
    L-752 1000 450 Double+Keypad
    L-753 1000 450 Double+Keypad



    ItemId Name Type Quantity
    I-188 Object 1 Type 1 3
    I-189 Object 2 Type 1 5
    I-190 Object 3 Type 1 8
    I-191 Object 4 Type 2 9
    I-192 Object 5 Type 1 10
    I-193 Object 6 Type 1 5
    I-194 Object 7 Type 1 1
    I-195 Object 8 Type 2 1
    I-196 Object 9 Type 1 12
    I-197 Object 10 Type 1 3
    I-198 Object 11 Type 1 50
    I-199 Object 12 Type 2 9
    I-200 Object 13 Type 1 15
    I-201 Object 14 Type 1 46

  • Thank you for these screenshots! It looks like the files are properly formatted to include the ItemID and LockerID before the relevant data. After the last drop down menu, the remaining fields would simply need standard reference data. The reference field would be LockerID or ItemID, depending on the spreadsheet where the data is located. Once the last drop down is selected, the rest of the fields will automatically populate.

    I would check out this article too: How to Map Reference Data to your Fields in the Advanced Form Builder

    (Edited )
  • I got it!

    It requires two additional dropdowns linked to the other reference data. I unchecked the "Mobile visible" option as users don't need them.

    Then, the other fields refer to those dropdowns and are populated automatically.




  • Awesome, I'm glad you were able to find the right combination of drop down menus to reach the result you needed!


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