I have ten separate fields that appear based on a numeric field condition.
This number is static and dispatched to a device, all of these fields go up in increments of 1000.
The below is a basic example of this, the condition is represented in italics.
Field 1 >= 1000
Field 2 >= 2000
Field 3 >= 3000
The final field in this sequence (field 10) when dispatched the number 10000 to a device, will not show. The app isn't registering the number at all as the previous 9 fields do not show either.
I've tried separating the number with commas, but nothing seems to be working.
Any ideas?
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Hey Jack,
This sounds like a problem that our tech support team would be able to take a closer look at. Have you submitted a ticket to our ticketing system?
Hey Lauren,
I've raised a ticket with support. Thanks.