Calculations are configured in the form building process and will run automatically when completing a submission, so the submitter can rely on the form to do the math for them.
Calculations in the Builder are located within the gear icon on calculation field types. Form builders will also get a reminder to configure the calculation with a + Add Calculation button that will pop up to the right of a new calculation field. The layout of the calculation is also stacked in a classic format. Calculations can draw upon other field values or use constants in the format of a number, with up to six decimals, or US currency.
Table Calculations
Table Calculation is the new verbiage for the Summary Field and is located within the Calculation field settings modal as a radio button. When selected, you will be directed to select the Table and the Column they wish to sum up automatically. "Average" and "Count" are greyed out as these functions are not available yet.
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