Allow Duplicate Entries in the Key Field of a Table in the Builder

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When entering data into the Key Field of a Table, you may need to enter or select the same field value more than once, which is prohibited unless Allow Duplicate Entries is checked.

Allow Duplicate Entries

You may need to inspect three different bedrooms while inspecting a home. Since "bedroom" is most likely the best distinguishing aspect of the data collected in that row of the table, you will need to select "bedroom" for the key field value three separate times.

  1. Navigate to the Forms page and launch the Builder or edit an existing form.
  2. Add a Table or select an existing table to edit.
  3. Select the settings gear in the upper right corner of the table to open the Screen Settings modal.
  4. Scroll to under the Display Field drop down, check Allow Duplicate Entries.Builder_Table Screen Settings_Allow Duplicate Entries.png
  5. Save and Publish.


This setting is needed to make Dependent Reference Data work in a table.

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