Modify the Standard PDF in the Builder

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Although the Standard PDF is less customizable than the PDF Designer, there are a few settings that can be adjusted.

This Article Refers to the Standard PDF

If you are looking to customize your PDF using the PDF Designer, please visit the Help Center section dedicated to the PDF Designer.

Page Breaks

You can force a page break in your Standard PDF after any field or screen in your form.

For Fields

  1. Add a field to your form or locate an existing field and select the gear button to open the Fields Settings Modal.
  2. Toggle to the More tab.
  3. Toggle on the setting for Page Break After to force a new page after that field.BETA_More_Page_Break.png
  4. Select Done, then Save and Publish to device.

Please Notes

Page Break After is not available for Drawing, Photo, and Signature field types.

For Screens

  1. Add a screen or locate an existing screen and select the gear button to open the Screen Settings modal.
  2. Stay on the General tab and check the box beside Page Break After.BETA_Screen_Page_Break.png
  3. Select Done, then Save and Publish to device.

Show This Field on PDF

By default, all fields are set to Always show on the PDF. 

  1. Add a field to your form or locate an existing field and select the gear button to open the Fields Settings modal.
  2. Toggle to the More tab.
  3. Expand the dropdown for Show This Field on PDF.BETA_Field_Show_This_Field_on_PDF.png
  4. Select Done, then Save and Publish to device.

Show All Fields on PDF

  1. By default, this field will be empty and will recognize if fields within the screen have different visibility settings.
  2. Add a screen or locate an existing screen and select the gear button to open the Screen Settings modal.
  3. Stay on the General tab and expand the dropdown for Show all fields on PDF.BETA_Screen_Show_all_fields_on_PDF.png
  4. Select Done, then Save and Publish to device.

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